michael lyon

Michael Lyon loves trees, the writings of Wendell Berry, riding his bicycle, and surfing in cold water. Connecting these things is an insatiable curiosity of the world expressed through photography. @michael.j.lyon

ciara kosai

Ciara is a Vancouver based photographer with interests in visual design and fashion. She is originally from San Francisco but is in Vancouver studying design and business. In her free time you can find her hiking, thrift shopping or wandering around the Asian supermarket. @ciarakosai

yvonne mouser

Yvonne Mouser explores the intersections of art and industry through the design and crafting of everyday objects. Her work ranges from utilitarian to conceptual and between the familiar and the unexpected as one-of-a-kind objects, limited editions, produced collections, sculptures and experiences. She is particularly interested in the meaning objects bring to experience, the stories they tell and the processes they can reveal. Based in Oakland, Yvonne works independently, with clients, and various collaborators on material and idea-driven projects. @ymouser